Natural Aging Skin Care Products

7:45 PM

It is said that ?beauty? is skin deep and as such the skin care assumes much significance in today?s beauty conscious world. One may wonder whether any special care is needed for skin alone for a normal person. The answers may vary but the truth remains that, all are not normal skinned, and people with not so normal skin need give the desired care for their skin to look natural and feel good.

The natural ageing process, exposure to sun light, regular smoking etc. may contribute for the lesser production of collagen and elastin, two fibers that hold the skin together and make the skin look young and smooth.

Skin care products that contain Argireline derived from Amino acids helps relax facial tension. Extract obtained from edelweiss is another substance that acts as an anti oxidant and prevents the ultra violet light penetrating into the skin besides cleaning up of the free radicals getting damaged by metabolism and pollutants. Yet another natural product is shea butter a natural moisturizer that prevents dryness of the skin.

The face is the first and the best part of the body that gets attention from others. Naturally one would like to present a good facial appearance for that first impression. There is no dearth for skin care or rather facial care products in today? s market, with each product claiming to be better than that of the other. However the fact remains that, the best skin care product varies from individual to individual depending upon the type of skin one possess, the region where one lives, the food habits one follow among many other relevant factors.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding skin care treatments. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor or dermatologist for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

Find more about skin care treatments, aging skin care products and many other aging skin care resources on

The 5 Most Common Makeup Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

1:39 AM

Orange face, white neck. Brown neck, pink face. We all know someone with no perception of how her make-up really looks on her own face. She?s sweet, really sweet. But she?s a joke in your circle of friends. Oh, no. It isn?t you, is it?

Well, even if you don?t wear ?clown makeup,? chances are you're making some mistakes with your makeup. Take stock to be sure that you don't fall into any of the makeup traps below.

Mismatched Foundation

Your foundation should not be a different color from the rest of your body. Really, it shouldn?t. This is an easy problem to fix. March yourself down to the make-up counter at your favorite department store and let the salesperson do her job. It?s her job, after all. Don?t be intimidated, you don?t need to buy the whole product line.

Blue Eye shadow

Blue eye shadow works for some people. Little girls in dance recitals. Guests at 1970s-themed parties. Ethereal looking supermodels. If you aren't one of the aforementioned people then don?t wear it. Enough said.

Dark Circles Under Eyes/Obvious Under Eye Concealer

This is a chicken or egg problem. You?re right, the circles aren?t great. But neither are orange crescents under your eyes. Play around with a few shades of concealer to see what really works best for you.

Different products work differently on different people. Just because one brand works for your friend, doesn?t mean it?ll be flattering on you. Make sure you?re getting enough sleep and talk to your doctor. Sometimes those circles are a sign of allergies or a vitamin deficiency.

Obvious Lip liner

This is a look. It?s just not a flattering one. Lip liner is intended to add dimension to thin or small lips, to lengthen the wear of your lip color and to prevent your lipstick from ?bleeding? onto your face. It is not intended to create a visible outline.

Inferior products in your dressing area

Most of us are not starlets with dressing rooms and make-up artists at our disposal. But that doesn?t mean we don?t deserve to look like starlets with dressing rooms and make-up artists. Invest in good lighting around your vanity. Stock it with quality make-up brushes and limit your make-up collection to products you'll actually use. That way, your budget can be used to buy better cosmetics.

You?re worth it

Add a couple of extra minutes, a wee bit more effort and a little money into your daily makeup routine. It?s not vain to spend a few dollars on or a few minutes at your vanity. Put on your prettiest smile, bat your beautiful lashes and show the world that you like who you are.

Put your best face forward... you don't have to hide behind crow's feet and lip lines...


Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the author of an amazing new course, Hollywood Makeup Secrets a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison, and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:

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Meditation: Why Meditation And How Does It Help

4:09 PM

The stressful lives we lead today take their toll on our health. Mental stress and physical fatigue drain us of our positive energy leaving us depleted physically, mentally and emotionally. Considered to be part of alternative medicine, meditation is fast gaining popularity amongst conventional medical practitioners as well. Patients are increasingly being advised to meditate for sometime in the day, which is believed to have a positive effect along with the allopathic medicines prescribed for a number of medical conditions.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a technique that helps us focus and calms the mind resulting in relaxed and restful state of physical and mental being. Meditation is generally focused on one constant thing, usually your breath. Meditation is an effective tool to gain mind control, self-awareness and understanding that eventually lead to inner calm and peacefulness. For people practice meditation, it can lead to profound experiences of self-realization and transcendental awareness and knowledge. A proven alternative therapy, meditation is a known stress reliever.

Meditation is beneficial not only psychologically but is known to have positive effects on various health conditions ranging from blood pressure, insomnia to even depression. There are different techniques of meditation that people follow today. These are a product of diverse cultures and peoples around the world. The power of meditation has been harnessed to alleviate pain, suffering and promote healing for centuries in different cultures and religions, in some or the other form.

Types of meditation

There are various types of meditation that originate from various parts of the world. Prayer is possibly the most common one, the others are Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness meditation, Zen meditation, Buddhist Meditation and Taoist Meditation.

The body under meditation

Scientific experimentation and research has found out how the human body reacts under profound meditation. It has been found that the meditation process counteracted the effects of the sympathetic nervous system - the one that wants to fight or flee. Whereas the sympathetic system dilates the pupils and gets the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure up, the parasympathetic system, activated when we meditate, does just the opposite.

Muscle tension decreases, blood pressure drops, and for some extraordinary practitioners, even temperature and basal metabolism rates drop during a prolonged meditation. Oxygen needs of the body are reduced when you are in a highly relaxed state, and brain waves change from the busy beta waves to the blissful alpha waves.

Meditation Techniques

There are two major approaches to meditation, which are Concentrative Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. These can be explained as follows -

1. Concentrative Meditation
The approach to still the mind is to focus the attention on the breath, image or sound (mantra). This gives way to greater awareness and clarity. In its most basic form concentrative meditation requires you to sit quietly and focus your attention on your breath. Practitioners of yoga and meditation believe that there is a direct correlation between one's state of mind and one's breath. For e.g. when a person is anxious, frightened, agitated or distracted, the breath will tend to be shallow, rapid and irregular. On the other hand, when the mind is calm, focused and composed, the breath tends to be slow, deep and regular.

2. Mindfulness Meditation
In this type of meditation, the mind is aware of all that is happening around you. You just observe the sounds, feelings, sensations, images, thoughts, smells etc without getting involved in them or thing about them. The person is just like a spectator who is witnessing everything but one who does not react or get involved with thoughts, memories, feelings, worries or images. This helps to gain a more calm, clear and non-reactive state of mind.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses as well as methods of meditation.

Aging is All About Self Esteem

4:03 PM

Many of you probably think that aging is something that is just part of the normal life cycle. If your concept of the life cycle is then something like you're born, you age and then you die then it's not surprizing that this is where you are headed. Although you are likely not alone in believing this I would like to challenge you to take a step back from this belief for a moment.

What I'd like you to try now is to repeat the statement to yourself again once, and as you do try not to listen to the words. Instead listen to how the words make you feel inside. I know that this may sound strange or feel a bit callenging but try it anyway. Alternately you can allow someone else to read it to you as you focus on and listen to the feelings it evokes within you.

So again the statement is:

(A) You're born, you age and then you die.

Now if you are a sensitive individual I can guess that the feelings that emerged with hearing such a statement were not exactly pleasant. For instance did you feel any of the following: saddness, heaviness, frustration, anger, hopelessness, helplessness, a sinking feeling, feeling limited or trapped?

If so, what do you think these feelings are trying to communicate to you about statement(A)? Well, if you consider this long enough, you'll probably agree that these feelings are suggesting to you that that statement is not good for you i.e. it is toxic to you. Just think about it.

When you eat something that isn't good for your body how does it react? Not well, right? That reaction is your body telling you that's not good for you! In the same way the feelings you may have had about statement (A) are telling you the same thing about the statement itself.

So you see, your body reacts not only to foods, it also reacts to beliefs that happen to be inside you that are not good for you. A belief is simply a statement that you choose to keep inside of yourself because you think it is going to be useful to you in some way. I'm only guessing that all this may be a new revelation for you. If not, I congratulate you on your wisdom.

Now when you eat something that isn't good for you, what do you do? Well, you make sure that that food never finds its way back inside you, don't you? So my next question is: Why have you persisted in keeping statement (A) inside you if it makes you feel so bad? In other words why do you believe statement (A) is useful to you?

Well you might now say something like, It's not a question of whether it's good for me or not, it's just a fact, I can't change it. Well this last statement is another belief, isn't it? How does it make you feel? Probably the same way statement (A) made you feel, correct?

So are you beginning to see how many toxic beliefs you have inside you? By toxic, I mean something that makes you feel uncomfortable, uneasy, sick, sad etc.. It's no wonder you're body is deteriorating i.e. aging. After all isn't aging what happens to you when you take something toxic inside yourself and it stays there for a long period and undermines the normal functioning of your body so that it breaks down?

Now that you've followed me so far I want to add that the choice to take something toxic into ones' self is an issue of Self Esteem! That is, if you like yourself sufficiently, you are unlikely to choose to take into yourself something that is toxic to you, correct? Whether it's bad food, cigarettes, toxic chemicals, drugs or beliefs, the effects are the same.

You may even be surprized if I said to you that the latter are probably more toxic than all the others.

What's interesting about all of this is that you actually do have a choice! If you want to know more about how you can exercise this choice you may wish to visit the web site below in my bio.

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author of Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation (available in e-book format at:, Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.

Personal URL:

Health Benefits Of Nettle

8:00 PM

The stinging nettle (which is called ortie in France and Brennessel in Germany) was said to be introduced into Britain by Caesar's soldiers. They sowed it along the sides of the great straight roads; both the roads and the nettles survive. At the end of a day's march the cooler climate of England and the weary miles made their legs ache. They would gather the nettles and beat each other with them so warming the affected parts. Really an embrocate for the strong.

Culpeper says wittily that they may be found by feeling on the darkest night! He tells us that the juice with honey is a safe and sure medicine to open the pipes and passages of the lungs.

Today the herbal practitioner has found many uses for the humble nettle. The extract with alcohol is a stimulating hair tonic. Urtication, or beating with nettles, is sometimes used as a counter irritant for rheumatic sufferers. It is given to lessen bleeding in the mouth, in the form of a juice, and the juice will apparently greatly relieve painful piles or haemorrhoids if taken a tablespoonful (l5ml) at a time, three times a day.

The active constituents are many and include 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, formic acid and gallic acid, plus much readily assimilable iron. Research by Drs Herrmann and Neumann established that an increased metabolic rate took place over a period which lasted from the sixth to the twenty-second hour after taking a glassful. They said that this was very helpful when used in conjunction with therapies for removing -toxins from the blood, and for rheumatism.

For the same reason, nettle juice is a good addition to any iron therapy for anemia. It helps control diarrhea and is at the same time a diuretic which aids the elimination of uric acid. It is powerful so is usually taken a wineglassful at a time. The part of the plant to pick is the top leaves; you may wear gloves or 'Grasp it like a man of mettle and it soft as silk remains.'

Research by Dr Keeser found that the nettle could reduce the blood sugar level. The juice is often good for nervous eczema. The White Dead Nettle (Lamium album) although similar in appearance belongs to a completely different botanical family, but it acts as an astringent and is also effective for diarrhea.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on all the natural and home made remedies with the value and benefits of Nettle.