Beauty: Inner Outer

1:30 PM

Heart is filled with happiness when it sees or feels something beautiful. There is magnetic magic in beauty. In general, any person gets attracted by beauty. It might be an object, nature or a person. If a person goes for beautiful object or nature, it will not change that person?s life but if the same goes for a person of beauty, then comes the situation of his or her life being changed.

Regarding binding our lives forever, it is our pleasure and a matter of satisfaction to look for beauty in the other person but it is not always good and healthy to go for outer looks alone. As we often hear the saying, ?Beauty is skin deep?, we need to look for inner beauty also. When there is outer beauty, one?s mind is happy. When there is inner beauty one?s soul is happy. Only when there is a balance between these two can there be harmony at a place or between two hearts.

It is not always true that a beautiful person is beautiful at heart too and that there will be peace at home. In the present era, youngsters very easily get infatuated and deceived by outer looks and they go ahead without pausing and they very quickly get married prefixing this term ?Marriage? with ?Love.? Later when they get used to that beauty, they start looking for inner beauty rather than outer looks. They repent for what they have done without giving much thought. But all this repentance is in vain as they are already bound with another person.

In order to lead a happy life, inner beauty is very important. One can live with a lame or a dumb person. But one cannot lead a happy life with an insensitive and heartless person. For any life to be satisfactory or fulfilling, understanding is essential and primary. So if you plan to marry a person just by getting attracted to that person?s looks, pause a little. Observe his or her qualities, mentality, behaviour for a while and then proceed. Never blindly take important decisions in haste.

Last but not the least, never judge or compare with any person. No one on this earth is perfect. If you see a beautiful person, you think that person is gifted with happiness. If you see a person who is not that beautiful, you tend to feel sorry for that person. But what do you know? She or he might be leading a very happy life though not beautiful. Though a beautiful person, that being?s life might have been a big chaos. So, it is wise to ponder on the truth that true happiness and satisfaction lie in a ?Heart? rather than in ?Skin.?

?For eye-catching beauty, live a Life of Grace.? - Sharmila Sanka

About the Author

With pride that I have been blessed with a human form, I always craved to grab any opportunity in order to utilize this human birth to the fullest and at last I found the answer to my craving mind and it was no other than ?Spirituality.?

My little heart panged for the desire to quench my thirst of ?releasing the heaviness? which resided inside of it since years. It hungered after the soul within asking to reveal more of life ? Materialistic and Spiritual in the form of Articles and Quotations which had the sole purpose of sharing it with other human beings not for name or fame but to tame this little mind towards the higher goal of ?Global Peace? on this earth plane.

Sharmila Sanka
3910 SW Sycamore Street
Bentonville, AR 72712

Horseradish Sauce Health Benefits

8:03 PM

The health benefits of horseradish sauce are numerous, sinus and cold cure to name a few. Horseradish sauce is made by shredding and pounding the fresh root to which is added lemon juice. In this form the horseradish juice can be stored in a cold place for at least a week.

Horseradish plant, like garlic, is a plant that you cannot successfully put through a juicer. The reason is that the essential oils are extremely strong, so strong that the toughest physique will find them hard to tolerate.

The horseradish herb is very beneficial for dissolving mucus in the nose and also helpful in sinus. Take a half teaspoonful of the sauce without dilution both morning and afternoon. Do not drink anything or eat for at least ten minutes after the dose. There will be a powerful feeling in the head, sometimes with sweating and usually accompanied by many tears (not of pain).

Sinus troubles cause much pain and misery. The horseradish attacks the very cause of the condition and brings relief. Sometimes it is necessary to continue the treatment for several months, but you will know when the horseradish has done its work because the violent sensations resulting from the use of the sauce will gently reduce and finally almost disappear along with the mucus.

It is a good idea to combine this treatment with the juices of radish, including both leaves and root and carrot. These two will help to rebuild the tissues ravaged by the sinus infection. You will understand that it is also vital to make sure that your eating pattern becomes well-balanced with the avoidance of refined carbohydrates and the adoption of a basically natural diet.

Horseradish is also specific for relieving water retention, or dropsy, as it used to be called. This is tied in with a stimulating effect on the blood capillaries caused by the action of the main therapeutic principle in the plant, a glycoside called sinigrin. Horseradish has exceptionally high vitamin C content, with 114mg per 100g (4oz) - this is one of the highest vegetable concentrations. It has as well some of the highest amounts of potassium and sulfur, and a good quantity of calcium.

Other uses that have been identified are for diabetics, where Professor Kuhn found an improvement in the blood picture, for coughs and catarrh and in the treatment of circulatory problems of a mild nature.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on benefits of not only juices and raw vegetables are mentioned, but importance of sauces made by horseradish are also mentioned.

Cleanse and Stimulate Your Scalp with the Right Shampoo!

7:57 PM

Shampoo contributes to good hair care. In our quest for the perfect makeup, the vital importance of good hair care is mostly ignored. Your hair is usually the first thing people notice about you and gives you away in many ways. Is it dull, dry and damaged, or is it shiny, vibrant and healthy? Well-groomed hair contributes to that perfect look and the confidence in your personality. There are so many shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products available today. One needs to find out which one is best for ones hair.

Don?t take shampoos for granted.

Don?t take shampoos for granted. Unfortunately, it is difficult to tell a good shampoo from a bad one, especially when cost, fragrance and foaming are the main purchasing criteria. In fact, good foaming virtually means too much shampoo was used, or rather, wasted. Ideally, the head should have just enough lather to help your fingers massage the shampoo into the scalp and lubricate the hair. This allows sebum and other oils to destroy foam quickly. Today, different shampoos are available for dry hair, permed hair, color treated hair, limp hair, and of course, normal hair. Then there are shampoos which are not typically found in store bought products. For these contain quality ingredients that contribute to the cost of the product.

For example, salon shampoo classically contains higher quality protein based conditioners or moisturizing conditioners, thus enabling the conditioner to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft and lock in moisture.

About The Author

Mike Yeager


Three Tips for Successful Weight Loss

2:49 PM

Weight loss isn?t just about eating less food. Healthy eating can accelerate your efforts in losing weight. The following are three tips to not only be healthy, but also to lose weight quickly.

Enjoy the Foods You Eat

Weight loss shouldn?t be a chore. If you believe the only foods good for you are those foods that taste badly, then you?re facing an uphill battle right from the start. Instead look at eating as a part of life, and find those foods that you enjoy (and maybe eat slightly less of them). Look to obtain a better balance so that while eating the foods you enjoy, also add some foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables.

You can even start off with just those fruits and vegetables that you currently like and then experiment with expanding to that list, all while looking to maintain a balance between these fresh foods and the foods that may not be the healthiest. Given time, you may find that you acquire a taste for healthy foods.

Try some new recipes. If you don't like raw vegetables, try some steamed ones. If they taste too bland, try adding some spices. You?ll find that as you lose weight and get more energy, your body will start craving these better feelings of health by wanting more of those healthier foods.

Believe in Yourself

Belief is yourself is a necessary component to achieving your goal. If you don't believe what you are doing will work, eventually you?ll give up. Some people quit and blame it on the food, or blame it on where they live, or that they work too many hours to really eat any good food. But in the end, it all comes down to saying to yourself, ?I?m going to do it, no matter what.?

Food may be considered an addiction and the best way to break an addiction is a gradual leading away from the addictive habit, rather than a ?snap? withdrawal (a ?snap? withdrawal is bound for failure). Don?t worry as much about those calories, just tell yourself that you?re going to eat a ?little? less and then supplement the difference with healthier foods.

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Successful weight loss involves not hoarding food. Your body hoards the food you eat if you have infrequent, large meals. Weight loss success appears to be in eating smaller meals, frequently throughout the day (4-6 meals spread out every couple hours). Although smaller meals doesn?t mean 4-6 TV dinners every 2 hours. The successful way is have a regular breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then in-between there?s some light snacking, such as a protein bar or meal replacement powder(Muscle Milk from Cytosport is really good for this).

Try to have some fruit and/or vegetables with the breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if a special occasion happens and a piece of cake comes your way, enjoy it without guilt. The key is to be in control and not overdo it ... and don't allow any feelings of guilt to overcome your belief in yourself.

Make sure that you don?t starve yourself. If you start to feel extremely hungry, then you?re probably waiting too long between meals. You see, your body adjusts to the conditions you place on it. If you wait to eat, then your body will adjust by storing more food from the next incoming meal when you finally do eat. The net effect of the habit of waiting is just as if you ate a large meal, as your body stores more of the food, but you don?t get the benefit of eating more food. This is how the downward weight loss failure spiral works (the person eats less, the body stores more of the food, yet the individual feels more tired).

Having four to six meals per day will work if you pace yourself. If you are not hungry when it is time to eat meal number two, the next day adjust meal one so that it doesn't fill you up so much. On the other hand, if you are starving by the time meal two comes around, change meal one so that you are more satisfied (by eating a little more, or adding some healthy fats, or trying some different new foods).

Eating can be a pleasure. It is something we are blessed with and something to be enjoyed. Adjust yourself to eat when you are ready, not when it is time. When you feel it is time to eat, eat something (it?s ok to give yourself permission to do so). Strive for that balance to not have hunger pains and also a balance between processed and natural foods. Try this for a few weeks and you'll find that you?ll believe in yourself to achieve your goal.

It will happen for you and I?ll be so happy for you. Done this way, the weight loss can last you a lifetime, while the health benefits will increase the everyday quality of life for you.

Copyright (c) 2006.

Jessica Deets researches the internet and writes to help people. There's more weight loss news and information at the website at

How to Look Great Without Spending a Dime

1:12 PM

It?s important to develop a smile that delivers a balanced message between ?I?m happy you noticed me,? and ?I wasn?t born yesterday so don?t even think that you just won round one.?

In other words, you want a smile that is bright, alive, and attractive without making you look like a grinning idiot. And that?s easier to do than you might think.

A good smile is like a good makeup concealer; it can cover up a face that might not be as attractive as you wish it was, or it can draw attention away from some other part of your body that you don?t necessarily want him looking at for the moment. Developing a good smile is just like developing any other character trait. It takes practice and here?s how you get it.

Go into any room where there is a mirror and where you can be alone. Bedroom, bathroom, it doesn?t matter. Then stand in front of the mirror and smile. Smile wide, smile big, smile hard. Make funny faces and laugh at yourself. Think about funny things.

Notice the difference when you smile naturally over something humorous and when you force a smile to appear. Smile until your face hurts, take a break and then start smiling again.

Try to spend at least 30 minutes every day practicing your smile until you can paint it on your face with no effort at all.

If you can?t hit your stride and are unable to find a smile that ?works? seek some help from people who smile for a living. Seriously, go to the magazine store, buy some glamour and Hollywood magazines, and bring them back with you to your smile room. Leaf through the magazines until you find a smile you like and then practice, practice, practice until that smile appears whenever you need it.

Caterina Christakos is the founder of - the positive place for women and girls. For more beauty tips go to:

It's So Easy to Have Smooth Skin All You Need is an Epilator

12:21 PM

There are many hair removal systems available in today?s retail stores, but which ones actually work and give you weeks of peace-of-mind and hair free sensitive skin areas?

Okay, we know that we can purchase razors in all sizes, types and styles, but most razors do not get those small fine hairs and you usually have to shave at least every other day or you have that prickly feeling. This is very unsightly as the short hair poke out of your pantyhose and can even cause runs in your hose. Then there are all types of shaving creams and gels that are suppose to lift the hairs for easier shaving, but you are still left with shaving about every other day.

Then there is waxing. These hair removal systems do in fact rid your body of unwanted hair, but try in on your bikini line. This can be very painful, not to mention time consuming.

There is also a type of laser surgery that guarantees it is a permanent hair removal system. But, who can afford to have a doctor remove unwanted hair, plus the time involved as well.

The cheapest easiest hair removal systems are epilators. These unique hair removal systems were designed especially for women. There are several on the market today that are virtually pain free that can guarantee you will rid your body of unwanted hair for 4 to 6 weeks.

The idea of these hair removal systems is that they use a specially designed head with one or more rows of tweezer type discs that will pull the hair out by the root. When the hair comes out at the root it will take much longer to grow back. You may say, ouch, but in fact they are designed to hold the skin taunt to aid in pain reduction. They are also created with unique heads that do not even touch the skin to ensure that your skin does not become irritated.

In the course of my work I have had nothing but praise from my clients to whom I have recommended epilators.

So, if you are seeking hair removal systems that are convenient, safe, and inexpensive, then you need to compare epilators. You are sure to come up with one which matches your lifestyle.

As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for the Best Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.

Copyright ? All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Fine Hair and Protein Myths

10:28 AM

A lot of people think that you can increase your hair?s vitality by what you eat ? and they are correct. However, a lot of people are wrong to assume that you need to consume a lot of protein, and specifically animal protein, to have healthy hair. For example, some people recommend those with fine hair consume a lot of eggs. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Here?s a personal example. My mother and I both have fine, thin, straight hair. She has eaten meat all her life, while I am a strict vegetarian (vegan). No matter that our diets differ, we both have similar quality hair. Of course part of this is genetic. But also, this is because we both get a well-balanced diet (mine just doesn?t contain any animal products).

To increase the vitality of your hair through diet, you need to include the following on a regular basis:

    Clean water
    A wide array of fruits and vegetables, preferably raw or cooked low-heat
    A good selection of protein from several sources including: soy protein/flour, plant protein (like whole grains and rice) and brewers yeast.

I also recommend a high-quality multivitamin. In particular look for multivitamins with biotin and folic acid. These are the amino acids required for hair growth.

Gelatin Caps

Knox Gelatin sells packets and capsules of ground-up gelatin and markets it as a supplement to strengthen hair, skin, and nails. Before I became vegetarian my mother and I tried consuming these packets and capsules ? along with eating tons of Jello -- for a period of four months. Neither of us saw a bit of difference in our hair, skin, or nails. Perhaps it takes longer to work but I doubt it. Besides, the thought of eating ground up animal bones (that?s what gelatin is) just isn?t appealing.

Are You Vegetarian/Vegan?

You might have encountered good-natured people who tell you that eating meat will increase the diameter or quantity of your hair. And I?m sure you know this just isn?t true. I can believe you get all the nutrients you need through a well-balanced diet. However, if you are thinking of adding anything to your routine in an effort to help your hair, skin, or nails, I?d recommend the following supplements:

    Vegan Multivitamin
    Flaxseed (oil form or ground up) ? add to a variety of dishes, this provides omega 3 fatty acids typically found in seafood.
    Nutritional Yeast ? add to dishes, tastes kind of like mild powdered cheese. Make sure you buy the nutritional kind, not the kind for baking bread or from the brewing process.

People who are not vegetarian/vegan will benefit from adding any of the above-mentioned into their diets, too.

Yes, diet does play a role in the health and vitality of your hair. However, eating too much animal protein won?t thicken fine hair ? but probably will thicken your arteries! So, be healthy and get your protein from plant sources. Don?t be fooled by well-meaning, but uninformed people when it comes to having great health and fabulous hair!

Holly Houff considers herself a champion for women cursed with straight, fine, thin, limp hair - and tirelessly works in the pursuit of happy hair days! She reviews fine hair products and techniques at her website,

Why is a Mattress so Important?

4:45 PM

Buying a mattress can always be put off until later. Or can it? You shouldn?t scrimp on the single most used piece of furniture in your house. This single item has a lot to do with your health and well being also. How and why should I select a mattress that?s right for me?

First, you must understand two basic mattress construction terms. The core is where the springs and structure are. This is what determines the longevity and support. Old mattresses used an inner spring design. Usually, the more inner springs used in a mattress, the better it was. Not so anymore. A current mattress design uses ?zones? to locate the number and types of springs since our body weight is not evenly distributed, then why should the springs in our mattress?

The second construction term for a mattress is the upholstery. Several different types of foams, fibers, and materials make up this top layer. This gives the mattress the pillow top or soft feeling. Springs are there for support of this comfort layer.

I personally am sleeping on a Simmon?s Beauty Rest Back Care mattress. It has the wrapped spring coils and several comfort layers. It even has some memory foam. It is an excellent bed and it was reasonably priced.

I looked at several models today. It seems the inner spring mattress will be going to the way side after a few years. Everyone wants a memory foam bed. They have several to choose from, but they are all made out of the same material. This foam is nice and Sealy and Serta have finally come on board with their versions. The tepurpedic has been out there the longest and seems to be the best quality at the best price.

However, foam mattresses just don?t look like a regular bed. They look like a flashback to the days of the popular water beds. Its just not what we are accustomed to seeing. King Koil came out with a combination of this model. A traditional looking mattress, with contemporary foam for a core. You get the look of a regular bed with the benefit of a solid foam core. No more inner springs.

Comes to find out, the most sold mattress in the store where I was at, was the King Koil brand as I described above. Actually, the top 3 sellers were all King Koil brand, with only one of the three have an inner spring coil.

Beds weren?t meant to last forever. You can chunk it and get another. If it?s bad enough for you to get a new one, don?t pass it on and give problems to someone else, either. And don?t sell your old mattress as it is against the law in some states.

Stuart Simpson

How To Get Skin Smoothening & Scar Correction

10:17 PM

SKIN SMOOTHENING and SCAR TREATMENT can be performed by , ?Silicone crystal rotoabrader? machine utilizing the principle of removing the damaged upper layer of skin and then allowing lower layers to heal giving a glow & smooth appearance to new skin. The technique can be performed without need of any injections or anaesthesia and the patient can go home immediately after the procedure. This technique gently exfoliates the skin to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles, to help reduce the effects of sun damage and acne scarring and to help minimize pore size and other skin imperfections while stimulating the production of new and healthy skin cells. The result is fresher, healthier and younger looking skin with a smooth texture and a silky touch. This technique is beneficial for both young and mature skin and is safe for all skin types. The circular motion of the resurfacing tool works to stimulate blood flow, to enhance facial muscle tone and boost cell reproduction. Depending upon the type & severity of scarring the patient has to attend clinic in three or four sittings. This technique can be combined with other facial treatments to give better results for desiring patients. This method alleviates all the inconveniences due to traditional dermabrasion like pain, bleeding, hospitalization, difference in skin pigmentation and is much more safe & affordable than laser dermabrasion.

This technique is helpful to those suferring from:

?Acne scarring over face.
?Fine wrinkles over face.
?Rough skin texture.
?Pitted facial scars.
?Large blocked skin pores.
?Loss of facial tone & early facial sagging.
?Superficial pigmentory disorders.
?Facial warts & similar growths.

?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? has always aimed to bring in the best, safest, scientific and yet affordable latest techniques for the benefit of patients. ?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? is committed to making your beauty dream successful.

Such treatments are routinely being carried out at ?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? with the help of ?Virtual Cosmetic Laser Surgery with built in Skin ?Scanner? based on, Japanese Technology of miniaturization of Diode Lasers.

Perfect Lips

2:16 PM

Nothing impresses your friends more than a perfect lip line, because it is the hardest makeup application to do.To get it, avoid applying the lip pencil too heavily, which will be difficult to blend and soften into the lipstick. Keeping your mouth closed lightly trace the lip line with the lip pencil so it can barely be seen, but can be used as a guide line.

Hold the brush horizontally to trace along the lip line, and do a little bit at a time, backing up and going over it again. Don't try to get the whole line in one stroke. The best lip brush is a sable with a slightly tapered edge, not straight one.

This provides more control and a cleaner line.If you are really pressed for time, apply lipstick only on the bottom lip and press your lips together. Then, blend out to the lip line with the edge of a lip brush, not the tip, for a precise line, or use a dampened cotton swab for a soft, natural lip line.

When finished, instead of blotting the lips by biting a tissue, lay the tissue across both lips while your mouth is closed. This will imprint your lips, including the edges of the mouth where lipstick usually bleeds. Perfect!

Mina Dimakis-Lev

Best Beauty Tips For A Healthy And Natural Look

7:08 PM

'Beauty is skin deep', so goes the good old saying. But, that does not rob the charm of enhancing your looks. So, hey there, beauty conscious, there's just no harm in having some of the best beauty tips up your sleeves. For looking and feeling beautiful is a sign of health and happiness. And in an age where looking good spells confidence and success, it's vital that you have the best beauty tips handy.

Pamper Your Body

The first secret to true beauty is a natural body glow. Try a refreshing exfoliate with a homemade mix of olive oil, sea salt or sugar. Dry brushing your body, preferably with a natural bristle brush before a bath. It helps to stimulate the glands.

A Little Thought for your Eyes, Hands and Feet

-Moisturise your hands and feet regularly. Don't forget to file your nails and apply nail polish.

-Free your eyes of the tired look simply with a spoon. Keep it in the fridge and apply to the eyelids.

-Once you have ensured a healthy body, be in fashion with the best make-up tips.

Magic of Natural Make-Up

The secret of smart make-up is to keep it natural. But often unhygienic and wrong use of make-up causes harm. Here are the best beauty tips to avoid a make-up mess:

-Eye care: To ensure healthy eyes change your mascara every three months, eye shadows every six to twelve months and sharpen your eye pencil regularly

-Mascara basics: To avoid mascara smudging, apply a thin layer to the top lashes only and then use an eyelash brush

-Natural glow: A gel blush or cream gives a more natural look than a powder

-Brow beauty: For a natural look, eyebrows must not look pencil thin. Use a definer for extra volume.

-Eyeliner tips: Use liquid liner instead of a pencil, to avoid smudging in the crease of the lid

-Foundation fashion: While choosing a concealer or foundation, check the shade on the palm side of your wrist. It tells whether the shade would look natural on you.

Haute Hair Tips

A homemade hair pack is better than shampooing. Natural stuff like apple cider vinegar keeps shampoo toxins at bay. The right hairdo makes the correct fashion statement. Always discuss your face shape with your hairdresser, to decide on a style

Do's 'N' Don'ts

Common beauty blunders arise from ignorance. Here are the best beauty tips to be better informed:

- Avoid soap and switch to natural cleansers
- Wash your face often
- Use an eye cream regularly
- Drink lots of water
- Never forget a sunscreen
- Use natural beauty packs

Mind Matters

Last but not the least; you just can't glow unless its heart felt. So, the best beauty tips include doing something you enjoy whenever you can. Always take a break, chat with friends, forget your worries, set your mind free and just watch the wonders.

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels and other for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

How to Improve Your Vision Without Surgery Simple Eye Exercises Work Wonders

12:49 PM

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit. Going to the gym, jogging, and swimming are all on the good for you list of activities. But did you know that you can exercise your eyes as well? Exercising your eyes keeps them healthy, takes away eyestrain, helps you to focus and even improves your vision without surgery.

Exercise 1. Massage

  • First close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 7 or 8 times.
  • Then close your eyes and massage with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise you could hurt your eyes.
  • Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, hold for 1-2 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise 2. Movement

    Sit and relax. Roll your eyes clockwise, then anticlockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each.

    Exercise 3. Mark on the glass

    Sit about 50 cm from the window. Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.

    Exercise 4. Follow a pencil

    Hold a pencil in front of you on a length of an arm. Move your arm slowly to your nose, follow the pencil with your eyes until you can keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercise 5. Writing on the wall

    Look in front of you at the opposite wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head. It seems difficult at the starts, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.

    Exercise 6. Watch the time with your eyes

    Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock. Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.

    When doing the exercises, make sure that you're not facing anybody, or else that they know you're doing eye exercises. Otherwise they might think you have gone nuts.

    If you can spare 10-15 minutes a day to do these exercises, it would be very beneficial for the health of your eyes. But it is even more important to do the exercises regularly, than it is to do them for a long time. Even 30-60 seconds of eye movement every hour is very helpful. For example, when your computer takes its sweet time to do something, most people just swear at the poor thing and waste the time, but you can make a few circles with your eyes. Even the first day you do this, you should notice that, when you finished working, your eyes aren't as tired as usual.

    See other simple tips for your eye health

    Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of discount contact lenses with reviews and pictures

    8 Free Tips: The Truth About Handcare

    8:57 PM

    Look at your hands now and tell yourself what you see?


    Beautifull and gorgeous hands are so important.

    Hands tells everything about yourself, how you live your life and love your body.


    They say that hands give a woman's age away, well so what!

    But gorgeous hands are the carriers of your personality, no matter in what situation and age?you are.


    You?wear fancy designer clothes, imagine the negative effects if you combine these fancy clothes with abbandonded hands.


    Look around you and see how hands are the centre of communication.

    At a party, or even a job interview, your hands are your business card.


    Your hands are the ultimate tool invented ever, but you don?t realize how importants these tools are. You just use them all day;

    Shaking hands, cooking, doing your hair, feel, touch, work, write.

    Endless, think about this for a second.

    And decide now, no matter what your age is, to treat them as your treassure.



    • The skin of the hand is so thin, protect the skin.
    • Pamper your hands with your personal handlotion, 4 times a day.
    • Exfoliate once a week with a face exfoliater.
    • Use once a week your face nightcream also on your hands before you go to sleep.
    • Get accustomed to using rubber gloves whenever you do housework.
    • Prevent your hands from aging or abusing.
    • Protect your hands from dry weather as well as protecing them from the sun.
    • Use daily a protective barrier.



    With other words:


    The best way to take care of your hands is to protect them.



    Ines van den Born is a registered nurse in Europe. She is also International Sales and Marketing manager Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices.

    Ines van den Born

    Italian Leather Gloves, your second skin.

    Deep Skin Moisturizing

    5:49 PM

    When it comes to skin care, moisturizing is usually one of the more popular, and though it?s hard to believe, more controversial topics. Some experts swear by moisturizing as the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy while others feel a bit more suspicious of its benefits. Since my grandma lived to 94 years of age with beautiful skin and touted the benefits of moisturizing for years, I tend to lean towards giving it a go. For many, moisturizing on a daily basis is already a daily part of their skin care regime while others are just jumping on the bandwagon for the first time. Regardless of where you fall, deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

    First, let?s discuss why your skin needs to be moisturized in the first place. Your skin needs water and oil to carry out its natural healing process. Dehydrated skin has a decreased ability to do that. Although not directly responsible for wrinkles, fine lines, and the more serious risks, such as skin cancer, dry skin is a contributing factor. Since dehydrated skin is less likely to heal itself, it is harder for your skin to recover from the negative effects of the sun and the natural aging process. For these reasons, it seems obvious that moisture is an important part of skin care and moisturizing your skin would be beneficial.

    Once you have decided to moisturize, next you?ll need to know just how to go about it. There are a large variety of moisturizing products on the market today that claim to be the ultimate choice in a sea of options. With all these choices it can be difficult to decide what works best for you. Some of the easier, more natural remedies for dry skin are protecting it from the sun, drinking plenty of water, and eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine. This alone will increase your skin?s moisture content without actually applying anything to it.

    For some though, an application of some type of moisturizer is necessary. You want your moisturizer to contain not only moisturizing ingredients, but protective elements as well. Look for products that include in their ingredients including collagen, herbs like Gotu Kola, Flame of Forest, and Sensitive Plant, as well as biological oils. Although moisturizing your skin in most cases is beneficial, if you suffer from acne or particularly sensitive skin, you will need to use a moisturizer that is low in oils and allergen free.

    The most effective time to apply a skin moisturizer is directly after showering or bathing. While the skin is saturated, the moisturizer will help to lock in the water and keep your skin moist longer.

    Brian Fong

    Deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

    DermaPro: Botox Alternative and Foundation Set

    2:34 PM

    Women who wear makeup and want to apply a treatment method for wrinkles are limited in the products available. Many products on the market are oil-based. Using these products with foundation can be messy at best. Most products formulated to treat wrinkles are oil based. It can be difficult to apply foundation over products that are oil based. In addition, the oil can eventually seep through the foundation, giving the skin an uneven appearance. Instead of having to go without foundation, women who use foundation should use an alternative treatment.

    The good news about DermaPro is that not only allows women who wear foundation to treat their skin for wrinkles, but it actually facilitates better foundation application. It actually prepares the application process to be smoother. DermaPro is an alternative wrinkle treatment for women who use foundation, but it is also a Botox alternative in general. DermaPro works similar to Botox in that it is formulated to relax the muscles so that wrinkles and fine lines become smoother and less visible to the eye. When you apply DermaPro prior to using foundation, your skin will also appear smooth. So, you can treat you skin while looking beautiful. DermaPro goes a step further and actually improves the way your foundation looks.

    It takes a powerful product to treat wrinkles. Most products of this type have a particular ingredient that does all the work. In relation to DermaPro, the active ingredient is Thalassine. There are many chemicals available that can smooth skin afflicted with signs of aging. Although the Thalassine in DermaPro works similar to Botox, it is not a toxin. Dermapro is so light that you can apply it along with a moisturizer, sunscreen and foundation. A 1-ounce bottle of DermaPro costs nearly 100 dollars, which may be considered expensive. However, you won?t use but a minimal amount of the product.

    Detailed information about botox alternatives, including tips on wrinkle reduction, are available at Botox alternative.

    Stop Hair Loss!

    2:40 PM

    Are you losing more than 20-100 strands of hairs a day? If your answer is yes; you are part of 50 percent of the population experiencing hair loss, but before you get alarmed there are some changes in your body either conscious or unconscious that maybe causing your hair to shed. Did you make a change in your diet, Are you eating enough proteins and amino acids, Is your body going trough a hormonal change (postpartum, thyroid), Anemia, stress, medications etc.? It is advisable to consult a dermatologist for anyone experiencing extreme hair loss. A professional will evaluate all the possibilities and right treatment for those with a more serious problem.

    Here are some recipes that will act on the scalp by tightening it and helping to avoid hair loss and promote hair growth.

    Caution: Make sure recipes are not to hot before applying to hair or scalp.

    1.Apply 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil to scalp, leave on for 10-30 minutes before washing hair.

    2.Boil 2 cinnamon sticks in one cup of water apply to hair and live on for at least 5 minutes then rinse off.( it will sting a little).

    3.Apply & massage vitamin E oil to scalp at least once a week. It's also helpful for dull hair lacking shine.

    4.Increase your protein intake by taking multivitamins. Eat high protein foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans, grains etc.

    5.Massage your hair with warm Castor and Almond oil once a week.

    About The Author

    Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics.

    The One Word That Will Take You From Plain Jane to Turning Heads At A Rate That Is Insane!

    1:09 AM

    Well actually three words, color, color, color!!! I remember the world renowned, salon owner and entrepreneur, John Amico, once told me he is HAPPILY married, Never cheats on his wife, yet he comes home with 5 different women a year! How does he do it? With color (he colors his wife?s hair 4-5 times a year) and he says each time show looks like a new woman!!!

    One of the keys to looking stunning with color is getting colors that blend well with your eyes and your skin tone. When this occurs your hair color(s) will not look so man made-ish and the hair color(s) you choose will not only compliment you, but also look very natural.

    When taking color into consideration keep in mind there are different types to choose from. You have temporary, semi-permanent, demi-permanent, and permanent hair color.

    *Temporary Hair Color- is just that, temporary. It is good to use if your permanent color ever starts to fade, between your color appointments.

    *Semi-Permanent Hair Color- was created to last anywhere from 6 - 8 shampoos. I must admit that some product lines are stronger than this and I have witnessed a few semi-permanent colors almost as strong as some permanent hair color(s).

    *Demi-Permanent Hair Color- was designed to be gentle on the hair. This would be an excellent option for African American women wanting color (and currently relaxing their hair). Even though they do not lighten hair, they can become permanent, so keep in mind that shampooing your hair will not remove demi-permanent hair color.

    *Permanent Hair Color: will permanently change the natural color of your hair by either making it lighter or darker.

    There are also different factors to take into consideration as well, when choosing your hair color. Like:

    *The season. The colors that look best on you in?let?s say?the spring, will not look the best on you...during wintertime.

    *How drastic of a change you want to make. The farther you go from your natural color, the more the color will be noticed.

    *All over color, vs. highlights. Living in Florida, there is no question which one I love the best...(you guessed it) highlights!!!

    Dwayne Pressley is a licensed cosmetologist, hair care consultant, (found at public speaker and author of the internet's scorching hot e-book on the subject of hair What Your Hair stylist Doesn't Want You To Know for more information join the group and/or visit him at

    Skin Care Basics

    2:11 AM

    Skin Care, everyone knows to take care of our skin, but do we pay attention to the details? The quick answer, probably not. A lot of us still run around in the summer time without sun screen to block harmful UVA and UVB rays. The fact is that the sun is harmful to your skin. We need to take precautions both in the summer and wintertime.

    The reality today is that Skin Care has become a big buzzword, not just with dermatologists but also in the business and beauty world. We need to start paying more attention to our skin, and all over not just our faces. So what can we do?

    Well Lets start by taking a look at the staple steps of skin care.

    First off what skin type are you? oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged

    Oily: Oily skin tends to be shiny with expanded pores, and is prone to blackheads & blemishes. It's possible to feel tightness.

    Combination/normal: This skin type has medium pores, a smooth & level texture, effective circulation, healthy color. Combination / normal skin can tend toward dryness and tightness around the cheek area, but also feel oily in the t-zone.

    Sensitive: Sensitive skin tends to be thin, frail with fine pores. Generally sensitive skin flushes easily, and is known to broken capillaries, and can be frequently allergic or rashy.

    Dry: Dry skin feels tight which is the main sing of dryness you'll find especially after cleansing your skin. May have small wrinkles, flaking and/or red patches.

    Aging or sun-damaged: Similar to dry skin. Aging and sun-damaged skin also feels tight with visible smaller wrinkles, and slack skin tone. You'll find the tone mainly around the cheeks and jaw line.

    Once we know what skin type we are it's easier to pick the products we need to use for our daily skin care routine. Now onto the steps

    Cleaning: Now unless you are prone to acne, or other breakouts just keep it simple with a cleanser. You want to use a simple wash that your skin doesn't react to and is designed for your skin type. You should try to wash twice a day in combination with exfoliating.

    Exfoliate: The most important thing to maintain beautiful skin care is to use a gentle exfoliant daily on your skin. Our skin cells get replaced approx. every 3 weeks, so by clearing away old and dead cells, making way for the new ones we help maintain our glow.

    Moisturize: Flat out...everyone should moisturize. Even those of us that have oily skin. Of course some should moisturize their skin more then others, but everyone should. A good rule of thumb is when your skin feels tight it's time to moisturize.

    Sunscreen: The biggest cause of wrinkles as we age is damage from the sun. It's important to remember that skin care is a life long journey not just as we age. So ensuring we're protecting our skin with sunscreen both in the early and later years is important. Also consider that the sun doesn't just burn or damage our skin in the summer time, it's a good idea to have some on when doing activities in the winter on sunny days.

    These are the simple steps that make up a successful skin care routine. It's important to get into a habit like this daily. This is the key to maintaining great skin well into the later years of our life. Try not to get caught up in the gimmicks of the world. While different injections, and creams can give short-term beauty it's not 100% known how all these products make out over the long run. Concentrate on basic skin care, and slow and steady wins the race.

    For more information and resources on taking care of your skin visit Best Skin Care Resources.

    Buying Wholesale Salon Equipment

    2:42 AM

    Buying salon equipment from a wholesaler is one option to consider when opening a new hair, nail or tanning salon. Wholesalers of salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment because they don?t specialize in one particular brand over another. This allows the consumer many options when equipping their business.

    Many wholesale suppliers of salon equipment are available online and consumers are able to quickly and conveniently browse through online catalogs to determine which equipment best suits their business needs. Many of these wholesalers also offer free shipping to entice consumers to make a purchase.

    Wholesale suppliers can also offer lower prices than smaller businesses that specialize in beauty equipment. They often carry a very large inventory and possess the power to make bulk purchases, allowing them to offer deeper discounts to their customers. Wholesale suppliers also offer financing or leasing options to the customer. This is a convenient way to allow business owners to grow their business, especially during the start up phase. Typically, wholesale salon equipment comes with a warranty that may vary from a standard 3-year warranty to a lifetime warranty -- which is typically attached to more expensive equipment. It is also important to ensure that wholesale salon equipment may be returned or exchanged if it is found to be substandard or defective.

    In addition to the general cost savings of purchasing wholesale salon equipment, consumers may further save money if they purchase wholesale salon equipment that is offered as clearance. Many wholesale suppliers offer a selection of clearance equipment at deeply discounted prices. This equipment may have a low turnover rate and the supplier wishes to quickly liquidate the items. Consumers can save significantly when buying new items that are offered on clearance.

    Wholesale suppliers can offer a consumer great savings on wholesale salon equipment. Prior to making a purchase, it is important to conduct research. Ensure you are purchasing from a reputable supplier that offers a solid return or exchange policy. If the policy being offered is inadequate or is not easily understood, it may be a wise decision to purchase elsewhere.

    Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

    Makeup Makeover

    12:51 AM

    Do you need a make-up makeover? You can easily spruce up your look by adding a few key seasonal products to your make-up bag. The goal is to have fun and find products that create a look that makes you look and feel great. Many Professional Beauty Consultants will let you try-before-you-buy and will assist you in making smart color choices. Still feeling a little intimidated? Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your first color consultation:

    1.Take an inventory of your current makeup bag. Keep in mind that cream and liquid based makeup like foundations and concealors have a shelf life. If your makeup begins to separate, in the bottle or cake and break?get rid of it. Mascara should only be used for one season. Bacteria could develop on the brush. Your products should be fresh and bacteria free, after all, you are putting them on your face! Taking an inventory will also help you determine what you need and what you can live without.

    2.Note colors you like and colors you absolutely hate. How many times have you gotten home from the store, so excited about your new lipstick, only to find that you have 3 others in almost the exact shade? Bring your favorite colors with you to avoid duplicating or to match up colors you love that are getting low.

    3.Be willing to try. It?s only makeup. The beauty of cosmetics (no pun intended) is that they are temporary. If you don?t like the look, it will wash right off.

    4.Have fun. Remember, when you were a little girl playing with your mother?s makeup. You and your best girlfriends crammed in the bathroom, pink, blue and bright purple powder everywhere. Sparkly, glittery pale blue lips with hot pink eye shadow and enough body glitter to light the Lincoln Tunnel. Oh yes?those were the days. Playing with makeup is fun. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

    Have a great day!

    Dawn Hull
    Professional Skin Care Consultant

    Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register:

    Beauty Tips

    9:36 PM

    1.Your foundation will look only as good as the skin underneath. To get an even, smooth look, cleanse and exfoliate regularly.

    2.If you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergic reactions make sure you test new cosmetics on a small patch either on the inside of your arm or your neck. If after 24 hours you don?t have a reaction it is safe to use the product.

    3.If you have acne or find you cannot use any skin care products without getting an allergic reaction or dry itchy skin, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

    4.Use mascara sparingly. Using too much will make your eyelashes stick together and form into blobs. Dip your brush only once to do both eyes making sure you twist, not pump the brush.

    5.No matter how tempting it might be to drop into bed after being out late, don?t do it. Your skin will thank you if you remove all traces of makeup and apply your skin care cream before going to bed.

    6.Take care of the skin around your neck as well as your face by applying moisturizer. This is a delicate area which is quick to show wrinkles.

    7.Cosmetics do not last forever and using old products can cause irritations. Here are some guidelines:

    *Foundation ? 1 year

    *Concealer - 1 year

    *Powder - 2 years

    *Mascara - 3 months

    *Lipstick ? 1 year

    *Eye pencil ? 1 year

    *Eye Shadow ? 1 year

    *Powder Blush ? 2 years

    *Cream Blush ? 6 months

    *Moisturizer ? 1 year

    *Eye Cream ? 1 year

    *Sun Screen ? l year

    ?2005 Sheila Dicks

    Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe consultant who teaches women how to dress to suit their body type and look slimmmer. You can reach her at to download her ebook, Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe ebook free.

    Botox(r) Fast And Effective But The Big Question Is "Is It Safe?"

    2:19 AM

    Women are constantly seeking products to look younger and often they are digging deep into their pocket books to try new products. Some have had laser treatments, some have spend exorbitant amounts on new face creams, some have tried holistic or natural approaches. Woman and I might add men are always on the quest for a more youthful appearance. Many have turned to Botox? .

    What we know for certain is the Botox? anti-aging treatment works. In 2003 in the US 8.3 million cosmetic procedures where done. Of that 8.3 million 78% of the procedures did not involve surgery such as injectables to ease wrinkles.

    Botox? ? is the trade name for botulinum toxin A.What Botox? does is ?paralyze muscles and soft tissue fillers? which are derived from natural collagen and restore plumpness. Originally Botox? was used to treat uncontrollable blinking. Doctors soon discovered the patients being treated for blinking were obtaining a more youthful appearance ? thus the future of Botox? took a turn down the cosmetic road.

    The protein compound of Botox? actually causes botulism which can result in paralysis. When it is injected into the skin the muscle stops contracting it causes the skin to relax and the wrinkle to soften. Botox? works best on individuals who have deep set highly visible wrinkles. It is mostly used on the forehead, between the eyes, and on crow feet. It takes 3-5 days after the injection for the effects to occur which last 3-4 months.

    Some people are having ?Botox? Parties? where everyone gets together for cocktails and their Botox? injection. We strongly recommend you do not partake in these parties. Seek medical advise if your are considering a Botox? treatment. If you are thinking about a Botox? treatment make certain your Doctor uses FDA approved Botox? and only get treatments form a licensed Doctor. Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons are the most expert in administering Botox? so if either of these are an option I would recommend taking that route. Get a few recommendations for doctors and check each one out thoroughly. Check if they are board certified, get references if at all possible, schedule an appointment for a consultation which will give you a better indication if you are comfortable with your choice. Ask your doctor to show you before and after pictures of procedures he has done.

    Some of the potential problems that can occur

  • Some people experience a pinching or burning sensation when the needle enters the skin. Ask your doctor for a numbing cream prior to your treatment
  • Minor post treatment headache may occur
  • Red blotching can occur for around 15 -30 min. Wait to leave the doctors office until redness fades.
  • Droopy eyelid results when there is seepage of Botox? into the muscle that keeps the eye open. It can occur anywhere from immediately to two weeks after the injection.
  • Some may experience an expressionless face. Use a lower dose of Botox? next treatment
  • BOTOX? ? has been approved as an anti-wrinkle remedy by the American Food and Drug Administration (AFD). Since this is a public and federally funded institution, they are primarily concerned with public safety one would assume they would not approve BOTOX? ? for general public usage without conducting all the sufficient and necessary tests to determine whether or not it is safe.

    The use of Botox? is truly a personal choice and we recommend you do your research before making a decision.

    ? Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.

    About the author: Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

    Your Weight Loss Problem: How To Cure It By Watching Movies Or Reading Books!

    1:35 AM

    I don?t know anything about you but if you?re anything like me then you struggle with a weight loss problem. Your weight loss problem consists of you struggling to keep your weight down or struggling to make your weight go down.

    Most people who see me wouldn?t believe that I have a weight loss problem, but I do. I?ve battled bulimia and constant gains and losses in weight, of ten pounds each time. Thats what I call a big weight loss problem.

    A lot of women and men with the same or a similar weight loss problem would sympathize with me I?m sure. I want to look good (who doesn?t?) so that always motivates me to go on a diet.

    But after sticking to a diet for a week and dropping the unwanted weight my love for good tasting food overpowers my need to feel attractive and the weight piles back on pound by pound.

    There is always exercise to help with a weight loss problem, I remind myself as I lie lazily on the couch chomping down on one of my non-diet treats. ?Sure!? I groan ?I don?t feel like wearing my butt out without seeing any results for weeks at a time.?

    Whenever I start a workout regimen I only stick to it for a few weeks (usually less) and then I get bored and drop it. So my weight loss problem continues.

    How many other women I wondered (or men, for that matter) get bored while exercising? I thought about that for awhile then I set about to find a solution to help all those poor people (and myself too, of course) with this weight loss problem.

    First I asked myself: What did I like to do? What did I find Interesting?

    ?Hmmmm, well? I thought ?I like dancing, but long periods of it are exhausting. I like to read, to listen to music, and I really dislike being on my feet for over long periods of time.

    What could possibly combine all or most of these to make my exercising interesting and help solve my weight loss problem?

    The solution to my weight loss problem was amazingly simple!

    I own an old stationary bike, and I do mean OLD, but the important thing is that it operates. You can do this with any form of stationary bike, whether it?s a twenty year old model or an up to date model.

    It doesn?t matter whether you own the stationary bike or use a gym?s or your local YMCA?s or YWCA?s facilities.

    My weight loss problem solution is this:

    Find something engrossing to read. It could be a novel or your favorite magazine. Or listen to music that you enjoy, you could even use audio books or any different CD?s or things you could listen to.

    I suppose if your bike was somewhere around a television or computer with a DVD player, you could even watch your favorite movie.

    The next step is to mount your stationary bide and start biking while reading or doing any of the above listed activities, and not to get off for at least 45 to 60 minutes, except for an occasional rest every quarter of an hour.

    I usually just keep biking away the whole time and sometimes I bike longer because I?m so engrossed in what I?m reading, and I won?t allow myself to read it once I?m off the stationary bike.

    After a week of this, without change in my eating habits, or any dieting, I?m maintaining a healthy weight. Best of all I?m not putting on any new pounds, and my legs look visibly slimmer.

    So I've kissed my weight loss problem goodbye, and I'm saying hello to slim jeans and size 6 dresses, and you can too.

    For the first time in a long while I actually look forward to putting on a bikini ;-)

    For more of Beth's expert advice visit her Article Website

    Beauty Supplements Prevent Wrinkles Not Just the Appearance Of Them

    10:37 PM

    Choosing antioxidants to supplement your regular skin routine is an approach that has been validated scientifically. A study by French scientists found that woman taking vitamin C, vitamin E, and betacarotene had 23% fewer new wrinkles, and a reduction in existing wrinkles of 8%. Antioxidants stop the breakdown of collagen and elastin by free radicals.

    Foods with the highest levels of antioxidants, as measured by the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbence capacity), listed from the highest: prunes, raisins, blueberries, kale, cranberries, spinach, raspberries, brussel sprouts, plums and broccoli.

    Vitamin A is another important nutrient for the skin. A deficiency in vitamin A will reduce the effectiveness of skin treatments. Vitamin A is needed for the normal growth and renewal of skin cells. Our skin cells are constantly replacing each other, and new ones are pushed up to the surface as the old ones slough off. Not only is vitamin A an antioxidant, but it also nourishes the fat layer underneath the skin. Vitamin A keeps skin supple, and may prevent skin damage.

    Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include dry and rough skin, localized breakouts, fragile skin, wrinkle prone skin, poor skin texture, and splitting nails.

    One thing to remember with taking vitamin A supplements is not to exceed the recommended daily dose, as it can build up in your body if taken in excess. Taking 10000 IU per day is fine.

    Vitamin C is another important beauty supplement. Not only does it help in skin repair by building collagen, but lower levels of vitamin C in the skin are associated with aging and UV damage. Taking 500mg to 2000mg per day, in divided doses, is recommended.

    An excellent antioxidant supplement to take is alpha lipoic acid (ALA), especially if you're taking the other antioxidant vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q10. Alpha lipoic acid is not only an antioxidant in its own right, but it has the capacity to recycle these other antioxidants. Alpha lipoic acid is also an anti inflammatory agent, and improves insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associated with obesity and heart disease. ALA increases the rate at which glucose is removed from the bloodstream, and helps the body detoxify metals that have accumulated. Alpha lipoic acid also prevents the cross linking of fibers, which leads to aging and the development of wrinkles.

    Alpha lipoic acid is produced by the body, but only in small amounts. It is used by the cells in their production of cellular energy, and we only benefit from its antioxidant effects if the amount of ALA in our bodies is greater than that which our cells need for normal functioning. And, unfortunately, the levels of ALA in our body decline as we age.

    One advantage of alpha lipoic acid is that it is both fat and water soluble. This means it can work in all parts of our body, making it very versatile. Most antioxidants are either fat or water soluble, but not both. For example, vitamin A is fat soluble, and vitamin C is water soluble.

    Taking about 50 to 100mg of alpha lipoic acid supplements a day has been suggested, though this supplement has not been tested on pregnant or breast feeding women.

    References: Nature and Health, April/May 2006

    To learn more about why good anti aging best skin care regimens include beauty foods and supplements, see this article. Included are foods you should be eating regularly to nourish your skin. For a review of anti aging skin care treatments, see this article.

    Makeup Bag Secrets of the Celebrities

    6:14 PM

    Have you ever wondered why celebrities seem to look gorgeous no matter where they are and no matter what the moment? Are they prettier than the rest of us so it?s easy for them? Not at all ? they are just smarter about what their makeup bag holds. Read on for makeup bag secrets of the celebrities.

    Celebrities will tell you having their makeup at their fingertips is their number one priority and it should be for every woman. That?s not to say you have to pack around 50 pounds of makeup. Just a tube of lipstick can do a lot to freshen your face. Actresses like Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Anniston, or Angelina Jole will all tell you that the ultimate makeup bag is really no secret at all.

    You can buy fashionable and trendy makeup bags ranging in size from compact to purse size so even your makeup back can make a fashion statement. But lets face it. It?s what we put in it the makeup bag that really counts. And why is it no matter what size your makeup bag is, it seems to be too small or the makeup you most need at the moment doesn?t appear to have made it into the bag? It?s time solve that problem by putting together the makeup bag of the celebrities with all their secrets.

    Your makeup bag is really a matter of your personal taste. Choose one that grabs your attention, fits your personality and fits your purse. There?s no sense buying a huge makeup bag when you pack a tiny purse. You can buy discount bags for as little as $5.00 or designer makeup bags for as much as $100.00.

    The Celebrity makeup bag is based on the assumption that your makeup bag is small to medium in size. For those that have a tinier bag you?ll have to choose which items to remove. For those packing a large bag, add all the extras that will fit. The celebrities tell us the most important thing you need to put in your bag is a small double sided compact mirror. You can purchase a nice size travel mirror complete with protective cover for around $5.00.

    The next most important tool for the celebrities are the makeup brushes. Make sure you have a blush and eyeshadow brush in your bag. Or you can purchase a compact set of miniature brushed for around $10.00. That will ensure you?ll have every brush you need. Now to the makeup. Jennifer Aniston says your foundation or powder is the absolute most essential makeup bag requirement. If the original container is too large, then purchase a compact bottle or transfer some to an after market container that seals well. Angela Jole won?t leave home without her favorite lipstick. Pick only one or your bags going to get full too fast. Remember your building a compact version of your real makeup case. You can add a lip gloss if you like. Eyeshadow is also a must have for touchup. Choose a palette of colors you can wear or use anytime. There is no good way to pack a variety of colors, so it?s best to choose your most reliable colors. And for heavens sake don?t? forget to add mascara and eyeliner.

    According to the stars you also need to make sure you have your blush. Now this can be a bit trickier because the containers are a bit big. Best to look for a flat compact style blush. To keep you fresh, you can also add some prepackaged facial cleansing cloths, a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, and a travel size deodorant.

    That?s it, you know now the makeup bag secrets of the celebrities . All the basics, to get you through the day and have you looking gorgeous. So what was the big secret?

    Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

    Dental Implants and the Risks Involved

    2:09 AM

    Dental implants are becoming more and commonplace in the world of dentistry but there are risks involved. In response to concerns over the health risks associated with dental implants the American Academy of Implant Prosthodontists has issued this message: ?Implants are made of biologically compatible materials which have undergone extensive testing over a period of several years. Since these materials are largely metals, such as titanium, and have never been living tissue, there is no likelihood of causing an antigen-antibody response which could cause rejection similar to that which sometimes occurs with heart and kidney transplants.?

    A patient?s risk of problems in regards to dental implant surgery should be assesses by the attending dentist before surgery is undertaken. A patient should be up front about his or her past medical and dental history in order for the dentist to be aware of any health concerns that might arise during or following the surgery. There are risks involved with the surgery and /or the anesthesia uses as well as other medical and psychological risks.

    Risks that are directly tied into the surgery include local and systemic infection, nerve injury and the possibly that there will be ?inadvertent perforation of the nasal sinus.? Psychological factors can also play a role in how a patient responds both during and after the surgery as well as to what extent he or she will follow the oral hygiene maintenance that is required of them after surgery in order to facilitate the healing process. What is happening in a person?s personal and professional life and the stressors they are facing make a difference as well. Some of these psychological stressors include, but are not limited to, the family, financial status, job satisfaction and health worries. People who have problems in regards to anxiety, depression, extreme neurotic behaviors, fears about medical procedures as well as past negative dental or medical experiences might need to talk there concerns out beforehand with a trained therapist or counselor at the hospital.

    There may be extra risks associated with dental implants for those who smoke, drink or have a dependency on drugs as dental implants are geared for the most part, for those who are in generally good health and have above average dental health and hygiene. Nutrition issues and post operative dental hygiene compliance procedures must be discussed in detail with patients who indulge in any of the aforementioned bad habits as they can pose risks as well as be deterrents to proper healing.

    Temporary problems and risks that can occur as a result of dental implant surgery include swelling, bruising and discomfort, problems with speech as well as gingivitis. Long-term risk factors include hyperplasias, nerve injury, local or systemic bacterial infection, local bone loss exacerbation, and lastly, infections endocarditis.

    Other risks include the financial costs which can run a patient into thousands of dollars. As well dental implants involve quite a lengthy time commitment on the part of the patient, and many visits to the dentist that could span anywhere from three months to a year and a half.

    Stephanie Dilson is a Dental Surgeon and in her spare time runs an informational site on Dental Implants for all those interested in the process to find out valuable information on the cost, benefits, risks and features of this increasingly popular procedure. For more information see

    Hair Removal by Waxing Hot and Cold Waxes

    2:29 AM

    Waxing is an effective method of removing large amounts of hair at one time. With hot waxing, a thin layer of heated wax is applied to the skin in the direction of the hair growth. The hair becomes embedded in the wax as it cools and hardens. The wax is then pulled off quickly in the opposite direction of the hair growth, taking the uprooted hair with it. Cold waxes work similarly. Strips precoated with wax are pressed on the skin in the direction of the hair growth and pulled off in the opposite direction. The strips come in different sizes for use on the eyebrows, upper lip, chin, and bikini area.

    Waxing is a temporary method of hair removal which removes the hair at the root. New hairs do not grow back in the waxed area for three to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet'. But don't be fooled into thinking that waxing is for women only. Today's fashion trends have men waxing their bodies for cosmetic reasons, and many athletes such as bodybuilders and swimmers have been waxing for years.

    The concept of waxing to remove bodily hair can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt where the wives of Royalty and the well-to-do looked at hair removal as a way to remain young and forever beautiful. That concept continued throughout the world with the Greeks and Turks as well.

    Most waxes are comprised of some proportional mixture of paraffin or beeswax, natural oils or fats, and a specially designed resin to help the wax adhere to the skin. Some brands of wax add Vitamin E or other supplements. If you think that you might want to try waxing, the first step, whether you are a male or female, is to decide if you want to use the 'hot' or 'cold' wax technique.

    The hot wax method involves heating the wax to a comfortable temperature. A thin layer of wax is spread onto the area to be treated in the direction of the hair growth. Once the wax is cooled it is quickly torn off, in the opposite direction of the hair growth, and the hair is removed with it. With the cold wax process, strips of cloth are pre-coated with wax. You apply the strips to the area to be treated, rub the strips in the direction of hair growth, and then pull the strips off quickly in the opposite direction. Although hot waxing techniques are a bit more messy than cold wax ones, many people find that the hot wax gives better results.

    Post Waxing Skin Treatment

    You can apply a non-perfumed moisturizer to the treated area if you want to. Moisturizers that are fortified with Vitamin B and/or Aloe vera are also good. Avoid the following activities for at least 24 hours after waxing:

    - Swimming

    - Using a Spa or Hot Tub

    - Sunbathing

    - Applying perfume, aftershave or deodorant to the treated area

    Always check to make sure that the hot wax is below scalding or burning temperature before applying. People with diabetes should consult a doctor before waxing. Never wax over sunburned skin or peeling skin, lesions or infections, moles, warts, skin abrasions, rashes, or varicose veins. Never wax the eyelashes, nose or ear hairs, nipple hair, or hair which is growing directly on the genitals (bikini area is okay). Waxing is a great solution for the temporary removal of unwanted hair if you're tough enough to stand a little pain. Some hair removal experts recommend professional waxing for the best results.

    Copyright 2005. Bridget Mwape writes for the Chemist's UK Website at: and she's also a regular contributor to the Discount Pharmacy Website at

    How to Turn Back the Clock

    10:32 PM

    There are lots of things you can do to prevent aging.

    Don't smoke. Smoking causes the skin to age.

    Try to reduce the level of stress in your life. Stress causing aging in your skin too.

    Drink plenty of water.

    Exercise and eat a proper diet and have plenty of rest too.

    These food are said to prevent aging like olive oil, cantaloupe, vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts,tomatoes, garlic, chives, shallots, onions and soy products, fruits like mangoes, apricots, blueberries, citrus fruit (such as limes, lemons, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi), guava, apples, strawberries, grapes, cherries, grains like oat bran, herbs like green tea and finally fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel sardines and trout.

    Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial to your health. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to skin cells keeping them moist and strong. They lower the risk of heart disease and at the same time boost your immune system.

    Avoid eating too much sugar. Sugar is an oxidant and has the opposite effect of antioxidants. Excess sugar in the bloodstream causes the sugar to attach itself to collagen in a process known as glycation which makes the skin lose its elasticity. Wrinkles also begin to appear.

    Now we go to the specifics.

    You need to apply sunblock lotion. The uv rays in sunlight damages your skin. Most people have the misconception of applying sunblock only on the beaches and sun tanning. You also need to look at the SP Factor. The higher the better as it blocks out more uv light. Fairer skin needs better protection than darker skin.

    Antioxidants play a role in protecting skin cells from damage by free radicals. Free radicals damage the skin cells and causes the skin to wrinkle and lose elasticity. Vitamins A , C, and E are antioxidants. Antioxidant minerals include selenium, zinc, copper and iron.Other anti-oxidants are carotenoids beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein and enzymes like coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid . Research has shown a combination of two antioxidants is more effective.

    Retinoids and Alpha hydroxy acids help to remove the top layer of cells and stimulate collagen production to smoothen the skin. Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A while Alpha hydroxy acids are acids derived from fruit, milk or sugar.

    Anti-aging moisturizers are crucial in the battle against aging. There are two types of moisturizers. Day time cream acts as a natural protective film to prevent moisture loss and also protects against bacteria and pollutants and lastly gives your skin a fresher look. Night creams are designed to be absorbed into the skin providing nourishment.

    These are some of the ingredients you should look out for: petrolatum, glycerin, hyaluronic acid and cyclomethicone.

    You'll find more anti-aging tips at

    The Secret To Creating Beauty From The Inside Out

    5:57 PM

    Women wanting to be beautiful is as old as civilization. At different times in history, women have ingested arsenic to improve their complexions, used warm urine from young boys to remove their freckles and took belladonna to produce dreamy eyes. The beauty business is a $160 billion, a year, global industry. The cosmetic surgery business is a $20 billion business. These industries play on the fear of looking ugly as much as the need to look beautiful and for good reason. Attractive people are perceived to be more intelligent, more successful and better in bed. Although the beauty industry has traditionally marketed to women, the male market is increasing.

    Part of the challenge which the beauty industry faces is truth in advertising. Increasingly, consumers have tested products which make grandiose claims, only to be disappointed. The current trend is on well being as well as outer beauty. A healthy individual, in good physical shape, is perceived to be an attractive individual. Here are four factors which can help you to achieve beauty from the inside out.

    Water. Water is an essential component of the human body. When we fail to replace lost water we can enter a state of dehydration. If you have ever been thirsty, you have experienced the beginnings of dehydration. A rule of thumb is: check your urine. If your urine is clear to light colored you are adequately hydrated. A lack of water in your system can lead to overeating. Sometimes, when we feel that we are hungry we are actually thirsty. When you feel hunger, have a glass or two of water and wait 15 minutes. If you are still hungry, eat something. I keep a 32 ounce bottle of water with me at all times and sip from it throughout the day. I usually finish two bottles a day.

    Oxygen. According to Dr. Spencer Way in the Journal of American Association of Physicians, ? Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease.? Sufficient oxygen is necessary for a healthy life. We can exist for up to 40 days without food, 4 days without water but no more than 3 minutes without oxygen. Due to pollution and the thinning ozone layer, oxygen levels in our air are believed to be around 21%. Adequate oxygen levels are very important in that hostile organisms cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

    Colostrum and Leptin. Colostrum is a natural food, rich in anti aging and immune factors. Leptin is a small hormone-like protein primarily produced by fat cells. Small fat cells produce more leptin than large fat cells. Leptin is important because it sends out a signal to suppress appetite. Some of the benefits of the colostrum/leptin combination are: inch loss, building of lean muscle, high energy levels, tightening and toning of the skin, better sleep and much more. I believe this to be an essential combination in achieving beauty from the inside out.

    Sleep. Adequate sleep is important on more than one level. It is the number one defense against stress. Cortisol, a hormone, is released during stressful events and can, over time, lead to a risk of infection and disease. Sleep is also important in minimizing weight gain. Many Americans that are sleep deprived are also overweight. The amount of sleep suggested for the average person is 8-10 hours. When Sophia Loren, a popular actress and reigning beauty in the sixties and seventies, was asked how she still looked so beautiful at an older age, her answer was that she naps every day.

    As a final note: If you are taking vitamin supplements, your urine will be darker for several hours after taking them. There are many companies that advertise products that profess to raise oxygen levels in your system. As always, use due diligence in your choice of products. If you try and follow this guide to beauty, you should see results in the form of looking and feeling younger and healthier.

    Constance Weygandt is an author, speaker and balance mentor. For more information on health and beauty or to receive her newsletter, visit her at

    Constance Weygandt is an author, speaker and balance mentor. For more information on health and beauty or to receive her newsletter, visit her at

    Usefulness Of Elderberry Juice

    10:47 PM

    Elderberry juice supplies vitamin C to assist in the prevention and treatment of colds. Elderberry juice also acts as a demulcent to soothe the chest. It also acts to induce sweating (a property described as sudorific) which has been commonly held to be beneficial in the early stages of a feverish cold. Elderberry juice also has mild laxative and diuretic (the promotion of water loss) properties. For variety, try mixing elderberry juice with apple juice, blackberry juice or rhubarb juice.

    The elderberry tree grows wild throughout Europe and has a long history of medicinal applications. In addition to the berries, the bark leaves and root of the tree have all been shown to have active properties. The berries themselves must be allowed to ripen fully before picking as the unripe fruit contains poisonous alkaloids and cyanogenic glycosides. The alkaloids are characterized by their bitterness and are chemically related to quinine, caffeine, nicotine and strychnine.

    The cyanogenic glycosides release poisonous hydrocyanic acid. This compound can be lethal to small animals, but in the doses present in the unripe elderberry, tends only to bring tears to the eyes of adults. While it is important to choose only ripe elderberries, the presence of poisons in the unripe fruit should not put you off this useful berry. Think of the well-loved potato. A green or sprouting potato contains the poison solanine (another alkaloid) which should be avoided, but this hasn't stopped millions of people from enjoying the standard untainted version.

    In bygone days elderberries were illicitly added to red wine and port to enhance their color. Leading doctors carried out repeated studies to discover that it was only port that had been diluted with elderberry juice that had this anti-neuralgic property. The genuine article had no such value. As a result of their investigation, the physicians of Prague recommended a combination of 30g of elderberry juice and 10g of port wine in the treatment of sciatica and neuralgia.

    Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies from different juices like elderberry,carrots, beet etc.

    How To Do Body Wrap AtHome

    4:48 PM

    The body wrap is a beauty treatment that helps you tone up and tighten your body, improve your body circulation and detoxify your body. There are many spas that offer different types of body wraps like chocolate, aloe Vera, seaweed body wrap, etc. Body wraps basically work in two stages through absorption and squeezing. By wrapping the body, the pores get opened and fluids are extracted or absorbed by the wrap. This stage is called the absorption stage of the body wrap. Once the fluids are extracted, empty pockets are left in between the cells that when squeezed together, makes the body thinner and leaner than before. This is called the squeezing stage.

    Now, not everyone has the time and the patience to go to the spa to get a body wrap done. This is when you should give yourself a partial or full body wrap in the privacy in your home with the help of home body wraps. Not only do you save time in this way, you also save money as the kit basically costs about 1/3 of what a salon may charge for the same wrap!

    When applying a body wrap at home, it is necessary to choose a place in your house where you will not be disturbed for an hour. You need some space where you can lie down comfortably. To do this, you can put a camping mattress on the floor, or a plastic sheet to avoid any. Once this is ready, keep some towels handy to wipe yourself after the body wrap and a blanket to wrap yourself warm, if needed.

    The next step lies in mixing the body wrap and smearing in onto the body, as you would a suntan lotion. Then the blankets have to be wrapped around your body. Sit in this wrap for half an hour to one hour, and then when you wash yourself, you are sure to be happy looking at your body that has become more slimmer and compact. However, there are some tips to be kept in mind when applying a body wrap.

    It is always better to have a warm shower before applying the wrap as this opens the pores of the body and facilitates better absorption of the body wrap. The thermal blanket can be used to keep yourself warm if you feel cold with the body wrap on. It is always better to drink lots of water both before and after the body wrap helps in flushing the toxins out. It is also advisable to stay away from caffeine, soda drinks, sugar, fried fatty foods and alcohol for 48 hours after the body wrap, to experience a better effect from the body wrap.

    This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional body wrap advice.

    Find more about infrared body wrap, mud body wraps and many other bady wrap and spa resources on

    Serious Skin Care Tips and Treatments

    1:21 AM

    So you want to look and feel healthy but have recurring acne, eczema, pimples or perhaps dry cracking heels and elbows? Or maybe it?s those wrinkles and fine lines that have begun to appear. Now is the time for a serious skin care routine because there?s help for all.

    No two people are alike so no one method of skincare is right for everyone. You have to do the research for yourself.

    Some of the most common skin dilemmas come from diet, hormonal and seasonal changes; from stress, sun damage or using the wrong skin care or makeup. Getting serious about identifying the problem means knowing some things about yourself.

    Products for Anti Aging
    Are you plagued by skin discoloration, dry skin, age spots or other age related problems? If so, there are many sites that offer a full line of products to counter the aging process. They may include a Cleanser, Toner, Anti-Aging Serum and Toner. Look for products that are recommended for sun damaged skin as well.

    Acne Products
    The first serious step to a clear skin is a clean skin. There are rich, gentle cleansers, soap-free and packed with skin clearing ingredients. Oil and dirt are removed while penetrating the pores to kill acne causing bacteria. This is an important step in the a proactive acne treatment system.

    A pore clearing tonic eliminates harmful contaminants and clears any clogged pores to return the skin to a natural healthy balance.

    Foundation Products
    Good foundation products are the easiest way to get the look of an even, perfect skin. Begin around the nose and mouth to cover then blend outward. Cover any blemishes with a shade that matches, not your hair but your skin. Follow with powder to set the foundation and to get rid of shine.

    Hands and Feet
    There are lotions, creams and salves that promote a natural healing for chapped rough skin and cracked heels. The product should smooth, moisturize and protect and be mild enough for man, woman and child.

    Hands are used in everyday activity. They take a lot of abuse and need a lot of attention.

    Tips and Treatments

    1.Soften by adding a teaspoon of almond oil to dishwater.

    2.Slough off dead cells with a solution of sea salt and lemon.

    3.Brush on with an old toothbrush twice a week to soften and remove discoloration.

    4.Microwave a cup of milk for thirty seconds and soak hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate skin.

    5.For softer skin lavish on Vaseline and then put on a pair of cotton gloves.

    Wash hands thoroughly with warm water, using a coarse washcloth, rub briskly. While skin is slightly damp, apply a mixture of one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil. Place hands in small plastic bags and then into a pair of cotton gloves for thirty minutes while the mixture penetrates.

    To Remove Stains

    ?mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of water
    ?soak nails in the liquid for a few minutes

    To Harden Soft Nails

    ?soak in warm olive oil for 20 minutes every second day

    Tips for Serious Care

    ?manicure after doing dishes or following a shower or bath
    ?don?t use polish remover more than once a week ? dries the nails
    ?will crack and split when not well hydrated
    ?clear polish will minimize chipping or cracking
    ?keep cuticles well lubricated with a moisturizer

    Dry skin may result in deep painful cracks in the feet. Approximately 60 percent of those with diabetes suffer from nerve damage, and may not feel the sores on the soles of their feet. If left untreated, they may become infected and create serious complications.

    Honey Foot Bath
    Honey is a great anti bacterial agent that contains antioxidants and is a great moisturizer.
    1.1 tablespoon honey
    2.1 tablespoon liquid dish soap
    3.1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    4.2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
    Mix together in a bowl that will fit the feet. Add mixture and warm water and soak 10 minutes

    Elbows, Knees and Heel Care
    There are great creams available that specifically targets these often neglected areas of the body. Due to their location they are candidates for dryness, roughness and cracking.

    The immediate application of the product will provide hydration, softness and increased skin tone. Use generously with a gentle massage to any rough spot - morning and evening and reapply throughout the day.

    Get serious with a total skin care routine that provides for a healthy body. Cleanse properly and on a regular basis. Know your skin type and know your needs then find the skin care product to do the job.

    It is a great boost to our outlook on life when we are feeling great. This is achieved by what we put 'into our skin' as well as what we put on our skin. So we need to approach good skin care in a serious manner. Rest and exercise takes care of the rest. More information can be found at and

    Home Remedies From Parsnip

    10:35 PM

    The parsnip has been cultivated in Europe for centuries. It was especially popular before the arrival of the potato and was used as a valuable source of carbohydrate.

    Parsnips contain natural sugars which impart a sweet taste to the vegetable. The Elizabethans used parsnips as a sweetmeat with honey and spices as well as serving the root as a vegetable. The carbohydrate in parsnips is stored in the form of natural sugars. This contrasts with the potato where the carbohydrate is 90% starch. Parsnips are considered sweeter than carrots. With almost three quarters of the sugar in parsnips as sucrose, the sugar we extract from sugar cane. By comparison, sucrose accounts for only one third of the sugar in carrots. Sucrose is not at all damaging to health when consumed in its natural form in its parent plant.

    Culpeper (1653) writes that 'the garden parsnip nourisheth much and is good and wholesome, but a little windy whereby it is thought to procure bodily lust; but it fatteneth the body if much used. it is good for the stomach and reins (kidneys) and provoketh urine?.

    Today we appreciate that the parsnip is not fattening, with a mere 20Kcal per 100g. Compare this to fats and oils at around 900Kcal per 100g.

    Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies by some of the common itmes in house as well as parsnips.

    How To Have Beautiful Skin In 5 Easy Steps

    7:44 PM

    If you're like me, you're sick of the infommercials that pay these gorgeous celebrities to endorse their wonder product.

    The truth is these people are paid outrageous amounts of money simply to lie to the public about how product A made them beautiful.

    They post before and after pictures detailing the amazing transformation they've achieved by using the product. When in actuality most of today's super stars utilize the most expensive skin care treatments known to man.

    A leisurely afternoon at the most exclusive dermatologist's office is usually what makes and keeps today's celebrities beautiful.

    Well, I just don't have that type of cash. So, I started practicing some simple methods to achieve that perfect glow every woman wants.

    Here are 5 Easy Steps To Beautiful Skin:

    1. Wash Your Hands! We often get so caught up in cleansing our faces until we forget that one simple step. Handwashing prior to cleansing your face prevents putting more dirt and bacteria on the face.

    2. Watch Your Water Temperature. Use lukewarm or tepid water when cleansing. Hot water tends to dry the skin out over time. On the other hand, if it's too cold, dirt and bacterial residue can be inadvertently left on the skin's surface.

    3. Twice Is Nice. Unless you're rolling logs for a living I would advise that you only wash your face twice morning and night. Too much washing can irritate the skin which makes it more prone to bacterial infection and gives you more of an irritated look as opposed to a healthy glow.

    4. Know Your Skin Type. When purchasing skin care products make sure you choose the product for your skin type. We generally have 3 skin types: dry, oily or combination.

    5. Moisturize...Moisturize...Moisturize! As a woman with naturally oily skin, it was years before I realized that I needed a moisturizer. A moisturizer isn't designed to make the skin more oily. It rehydrates the skin. Our bodies are made up of quite a bit of water. Keeping the skin moisturized protects against premature wrinkling and those forces of nature we can't do anything about such as wind, cold weather and those extremely warm months of summer.

    Whatever skin care regimen you use or are planning to start make sure you're consistent. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are also great ways to look and feel younger and more beautiful.

    Roschelle Nelson is a work at home mom. She lives with her husband and two sons. Visit her website and blog for more resources on the work at home industry and other's women and parenting issues and http://www.wah4life.blogspot

    Cosmetic Tattoo Procedure for Permanent Eyebrows

    4:00 PM

    Although sometimes cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is a necessary step in the reconstruction of a face following a traumatic accident, it can also be used for patients who have sparse eyebrows and do not want to apply brow liner daily. Most of the time, these patients are women who are concerned about the way that their eyebrows frame their face. Some patients are allergic to cosmetics or have poor eyesight and cannot apply their makeup correctly. In these and other cases, cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is a viable option. Sometimes the tattoo is a permanent tattoo done purely for cosmetic purposes.

    Eyebrow Tattoo Surgery - Finding a Surgeon

    Finding a licensed and qualified technician to perform the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing may be difficult for a patient. Many people may claim to be qualified to do the procedure, when in fact their experience lies mostly in body tattoos. It is a subtle art that makes a technician able to do cosmetic eyebrow tattooing well and it also takes a fair amount of experience to make permanent eyebrows look natural. A patient can speak with friends and colleagues to see if anyone knows of someone who is reputable. If the patient wishes to be more discreet, then they can contact a plastic surgeon?s office or the local academy of plastic surgeons to see who they recommend.

    Ideal Candidates for Eyebrow Tattoo Surgery

    The ideal candidate for cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is one that is in good health and has realistic expectations of the procedure. The cosmetic eyebrow procedure will not return the area to a completely normal look, but will make the overall appearance of the patient more refined and balanced. Patients who are allergic or sensitive to makeup, have skin or hair loss disorders, illnesses, or just lack the time to put on makeup are all considered good candidates for the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing.

    Eyebrow Tattoo Surgery - Consultation

    In the initial consultation, the physician and patient will discuss the probable outcomes of the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing. Many physicians will have former patient pictures available for the new patient to examine. This will give the patient a good idea as to what can be achieved by the cosmetic eyebrow tattoo technician. The doctor will examine the eyebrow area and determine what can be done with the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing. Risks and anesthesia options will also be discussed in the initial consultation. A complete medical history will be taken in order to inform the doctor of any medical conditions or prescriptions that might interfere with the results.

    Eyebrow Tattoo Surgery - Procedure

    The permanent makeup tattoo that is applied is made up of vegetable products that are injected into the skin. After an anesthetic ointment is applied, tiny needles are used to inject the coloring and are sometimes seen on a rotary coil instrument. The tip is dipped into the dye and then the needle is placed into the skin in cosmetic eyebrow tattooing. Some bleeding may occur as the skin is punctured, but it will be minimal. Most cosmetic eyebrow tattooing procedures last an hour, but it depends on the extent of the work that needs to be done. At the end of the session, the area will be cleaned and an antiseptic cream will be applied. Eyebrow tattooing requires fine work to look good. To achieve this, the tattoos are often applied by hand rather than with electric needles. The technician can achieve much finer and pleasing results by hand, but this also makes the procedure longer.

    Eyebrow Tattoo Surgery - Risks

    Although the risks associated with cosmetic eyebrow tattooing are rare, they do occur. In very few cases, the patient can have an allergic reaction to the dye that is used. Infection is another main concern following the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing. Not following the physician?s orders after the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing procedure can lead to a delay in healing and cause unwanted results. If a patient is unhappy with the results of the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing, laser skin resurfacing may help to remove the coloring, but may not be able to remove it entirely.

    The Author Brad Jones specializes in beauty cosmetic procedures and contributes to clinical literatures on request. Other Resources are permanent eyebrows and cosmetic eyebrow tattoo.